I'm multitasking. Right now I am awaiting my nail varnish to dry and enjoying a gin and tonic. I'm doing some online Christmas shopping and in a moment I will be getting myself ready to go to sleep and there's nothing more multitasking in my life than sleeping what with REM cycles and the slowing of my breathing. It has taken my entire lifetime but I think I've got that down.
What fascinating part of my life should I share today? For dinner I got Indian at my local/only nearby Indian restaurant (side note: there is a dearth of Indian eateries on Long Island and I cannot for the life of me figure out why. I mean, Indian food is fucking delicious and Long Islanders love to eat. Does not compute.) Anyway, two things resulted from the fateful decision to get aloo gobi tonight: 1) the man on the phone who took my order somehow thought my name was "Anderson" and when I went to pick it up there were a few orders waiting. She asked if I was "Anderson" and I said no. Just as they were starting to berate the cook for being slow, I realized that Anderson is as close to my name as some other names and I figured out it was for me. Comedy! and 2) I neglected to tell the person who took my order to make it mild in spice. I"m not a big baby when it comes to spicy food, please don't mistake me. I love spicy food. I often add Tabasco sauce to many, many dishes. But this particular restaurant has different standards of heat and this was an intense culinary experience. By that I mean, I got snotty. Appetites!
I don't really have much else for today. My nails are dry and I have a few more things to do before falling fast asleep and boom it will Friday.
Possibly, the best blog I've ever written. And by best I mean, lamest.
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